2.14 Release Notes
Released 10/28/2021
New Features
Content Authoring--Microsoft Office Integration
Microsoft Office Integration is here! You can now edit Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents without having to download them from S-Drive.
Watch the Demo Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpkfxBvxzSg&list=PLOYOFI039X6Ww_QlHOtjTT7fdz_iLZCqz&index=28&t=2s
When this feature is enabled, users can open these files from the Action menu in S-Drive.

The document will open Office for the web and allow editing. Changes are autosaved during the editing session. When the editing session is complete, the document is stored in S-Drive as a new version. See https://cyangate.atlassian.net/l/c/dbnc2DRS for details.
Please Note
Microsoft Office Integration is not yet ready for Experience Cloud. Please do not enable in your customer community.
Documents up to 100 MB can be edited.
A New Way of Connecting to S-Drive Portal
This release gives you the option to change the way we retrieve your total file storage that we use for billing. Users will not see any changes.
In previous releases, the user that connects S-Drive to the portal had to be an System Administrator with Modify All Data and Customize Application permissions.
With this release, the initial connection must still be done by a user with those permissions, but once that connection has been established, those permissions can be removed if desired. The Admin (with Modify All Data and Customize Application permissions) will simply need to click a button on the S-Drive Configuration page to kickoff a batch job. See https://cyangate.atlassian.net/l/c/H0h5ryQu
Compact View download button on toolbar
The download button is now available on the toolbar when using Compact View on Desktop, so you can download multiple files at once. It is not available on Mobile, where selecting multiple files is not possible.