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S-Drive Tab Settings

The settings on this page apply to S-Drive Tab only, which is a place files can be kept that don’t relate to any parent record. It can be used as a general repository for company-wide documents, for example. These settings do not apply to files uploaded to Accounts, Cases, etc. The settings for those files are configured on the Lightning Page in the S-Drive component. See Configuring S-Drive on Standard Objects or Configuring Custom S-Drive file object on Lightning Page for more information.

Enable Download Enables "Download", "Open" and "Zip & Download"

Enable Recycle Bin This option determines whether the green Recycle Bin button that can be shown below the folder tree is displayed. When active, this button shows all files in the recycle bin.

Enable Legal Hold Files This option determines whether the blue Legal Hold Files button that can be shown below the folder tree is displayed. When active, this button shows all files that have a legal hold on them.

Enable Email on S-Drive Tab Enable Email feature.

Disable for portal users This configuration is used to disable email feature only for portal users if it is enabled for internal users. So, if it is disabled for all users ("Enable Email on S-Drive Tab" is checked), it cannot be checked/unchecked.

Enable Folder Tree on S-Drive Tab – Classic Choose to show or hide the folder tree. If you have many folder levels, checking this box can save time loading the page.

Enable Manual Sharing on S-Drive Tab controls whether manual sharing is allowed on S-Drive tab files.

Enable Inherit Sharing Checkbox on S-Drive Tab controls whether the Inherit Sharing checkbox is shown or hidden when creating subfolders and uploading files. If checked, it is shown.

Enable Inherit Sharing by Default on S-Drive Tab controls whether the Inherit Sharing checkbox is checked or unchecked by default. If you hide the Inherit Sharing checkbox, you still need to use this setting to determine whether Inherit Sharing is true or false when subfolders are created and files are uploaded.

Enable Chatter Enables Chatter feature

Enable Checked Out Files Causes the Checked Out Files button to show

Disable Copy URL on S-Drive Tab Copy URL item menu action will not be shown for files if checked

Select page size for S-Drive tab Choose how many files are shown per page

Enable Online Editing on S-Drive Tab controls whether Microsoft online editing is an available action

Use Legacy Upload If this is checked, a visualforce upload page is used instead of the Lightning upload page

Enable Bulk Field Update on Upload This option enables the Bulk Field Update pullout menu on the Lightning Upload page. It is ignored for Legacy upload.

Preserve Folder Structure on Upload If this is checked, then when dropping a folder on the Lightning upload page, the files will remain in the folders and subfolders, not “flattened” into the same level. Available only on Lightning upload, not Legacy upload.

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