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This method is used to get multiple thumbnail URLs for multiple objects of an S-Drive Attachment at a time.

List<String> getThumbnailURLs(List<ID> parentIds, List<ID> fileObjectIds, Long timeValue)

List<String> getThumbnailURLs(List<ID> parentIds, List<ID> fileObjectIds, Long timeValue, Map<String,String> requestParameters)

List<String> getThumbnailURLs(List<ID> parentIds, List<ID> fileObjectIds, Long timeValue, List<Map<String,String>>

parentIds: List of Salesforce ids of the parent objects. You can use 15-character id or 18- character id.
fileObjectIds: List of Salesforce ids of the attachment (files) objects.
timeValue: Expiration time of the links in seconds.
requestParameters: Map of request parameters and theirs values to set the parameters in the response (e.g. ('response-content-disposition', 'inline; filename=myfile.png')). For more information, visit the Amazon documentation:
requestParametersList: List of request parameters map for each file.
Return Value: The method will return the list of thumbnail URLs of the S-Drive attachment.

If you would like to get thumbnail URL of an old version of a file, you should add id of an old version file into fileoObjectIds list.

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