2.7.14 Release Notes
1. Removed “Attach from S-Drive Folders” toolbar button in Public Share Access link
In an S-Drive Lightning component on objects (not on S-Drive Tab), there is a button (attach from S-Drive Folders) that allows you to copy files from S-Drive Tab. This button was displayed in public share access links, but does not make sense for Public Share. The button has been removed.
Before 2.7.14
With 2.7.14
2. Allow Audit Tab to be hidden
You can now choose whether to show the Audit tab when configuring the S-Drive Lightning Component. If you want to show the tab for System Admins, but not for other users, you can use Component Visibility.
3. Hide thumbnails in Compact View if Preview & Thumbnail is not in use
Previously, a blank thumbnail was shown in compact view if Preview & Thumbnail was not turned on. Now it will display without the blank thumbnail.
Before 2.7.14:
With 2.7.14:
4. File Sync sets “private” flag based on file visibility
This change affects all releases, but was added with at the same time as the 2.7.14 release.
S-Drive can be configured to move or copy Salesforce files to S-Drive using the file sync feature. Previously, files that were synced could be seen by community users. Now, the Private field on the S-Drive file will be set according the the visibility of the Salesforce file. If the Private field is true, only internal users can see the file. If the Private field is false, community users can see the file as well as internal users.
On the uploaded Salesforce file
if the visibility is InternalUsers, the Private field is set to true.
if the visibility is AllUsers, the Private field is set to false
if the visibility is SharedUsers, the file will not by synced.
See this Salesforce guide for more information about the Visibility field and how it is set in Salesforce files.