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3.1 Release Notes

Released 8/28/2024

Upgrade Notes

If you use File/Attachment Sync, you’ll need to restore your settings. It’s a click of a button.

  • Go to SDrive Configuration - Micro Services Tab

  • Scroll down to File/Attachment Sync and click on the Configure Sync button

  • On the new page that opens, under General Settings, you’ll see a message that you need to update your File Sync Settings. Click the Restore Sync Settings button

See Upgrade Paths when upgrading from other releases.

New Features

Custom File Object Creation

If you want to use S-Drive on an object other than Account, Contact, Case, Lead, Opportunity, you must create a custom file object. You can now do this with the click of a button.

  • Go to S-Drive Configuration General Settings tab

  • Under File Settings, click “Manage” next to S-Drive File Objects List

  • Under Generate New File Object, choose the parent object and click the Generate Object button.

For details, see Create S-Drive File Objects

Slim Upload

This new upload user interface is used automatically for mobile, and can also be chosen when using S-Drive on a desktop.

When configuring the S-Drive component, check the box for Slim Upload checkbox.


Docufetch Enhancments

Docufetch in Digital Experience Site

You now have the option of having Docufetch links take Requestees to your customer community site, where they would login to see the request. Docufetch can still be set up to use your public share site, which requires no login.

Docufetch UI Enhancements

  • Easier for requester to view items and accept/reject

  • Improved search on templates when request is created from Template

  • Improved UI on Mobile

Docufetch Template Enhancements

We’ve made templates easier to use.

  • You can share templates manually

  • When choosing to create a request from a template, you can search the list of templates

  • You can search for items within a template

  • You can edit templates

SDrive Jobs Toolbar button is now configurable

The Salesforce Admin can now configure whether the S-Drive Jobs toolbar buttons shows for users. There is a checkbox to configure this in the S-Drive Lightning component configuration on the Lightning page.

S-Drive Flow: Create Folders private setting

You can now set a folder to Private when creating it in a Flow. This way, the folder will not show for external users.

Copy URL

You can now choose an expiration date when using Copy URL in Lightning

Bug Fixes

  • Fix Classic Copy URL expiration date

  • Fix Copy URL expiration date S-Drive config page issue

  • Fix Custom field names causing errors when similar to package fields

  • Fix Docufetch page issues if not refreshed

  • Fix Docufetch component error message not displayed properly

  • Fix Lead conversion failing if user doesn’t have Edit permission on Lead File

  • Fix S-Drive search not finding results

  • Fix S-Drive search fails if any fields are not accessible

  • Fix Deleting Note causes file sync error

  • Fix Deleting File causes error if user doesn’t have certain permissions

  • Fix Double file extension on file sync

  • Fix Duplicate check on folder creation in flow not working

  • Update SDriveTools API getS3Endpoint for FIPS

  • Fix Docufetch progress bar not updating





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